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Monday, February 6, 2012

Monday Report - 20120206

Good Afternoon!

Another busy week has passed and we continue marching onward.  Though we faced some adversity with life circumstances, we do not complain because God is bigger than all those things and gave His perfect peace in the midst of all.  In addition, we were privileged to see God do something wonderful!

After our visit to the Crisis Pregnancy Center last Monday, Wednesday I received a phone call.  They said something like this, "Pastor Rick, we haven't seen God do something like this for a long time, but we have a new mother that is truly in need of the care you and your church can provide.  When you were here on Monday, we had no one in mind, but today a woman came in who is truly in need.  Would you like to help."  of course we were very excited to do so and that is how we me Shirley and little Salome (and Shirley's two other teen children).  Little Salome is barely ten days old and Shirley has no resources and little to no support network.  How exciting it is then to step into their lives and provide meals and groceries and extend the love of Christ!  (And how I wish I spoke Spanish - anyone feel a call to come begin a Hispanic ministry here?) :-)  So we added four souls to our steadily increasing "impact counter" which measures lives touched with the love of Jesus by our congregation in 2012.  Additionally, the CPC was greatly encouraged to see God open a door right in front of them!  Continue to pray for this exciting alliance and pray with me this week for Shirley and her household, that somehow, their eternity will be changed forever - helped perhaps by our love.

We are looking forward to what this week will bring in our pursuit of Christ in our community.  Your prayers are greatly appreciated!

In closing, may I remind all of you of my blog at  where you may listen to sermons I share each week and interact with lots of encouraging content of various types.  Currently this serves in lieu of a church website which I have encountered difficulty designing.  When the web site is complete, we will let you know, but in the meantime, the blog will substitute.  I hope you visit often and enjoy your time there.  Comments are welcome!

Thank you again for your interest in our mission here and your kind support in prayer.  May God richly bless you in your labors for the Kingdom!

By God's Grace & For His Glory,

Pastor Rick Alexander
(757) 641-5955

 "He raiseth up the poor out of the dust, and lifteth up the beggar from the dunghill, to set them among princes, and to make them inherit the throne of glory: for the pillars of the earth are the LORD'S, and he hath set the world upon them."
(1Samuel 2:8)