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Friday, December 13, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick explores the custom & practice of the "invitation" and the use of the "altar" or  "mourners' bench" in churches.  Are they acceptable?  If so, how should they be used properly?

How Much Do You Love Jesus?

Pastor Rick shares a message about a very personal question: "How much do I love Jesus?"  This is a question we all should answer.  How about you?  How much do YOU love Jesus?

Thursday, December 12, 2013

Fervent Charity

Stirred in his heart by pictures of Pope Francis in action, Pastor Rick turns our attention to the writings of the Apostles Peter & Paul to call us to deep, fervent love toward our fellow men above all else.  This helps defeat the enemy in spiritual warfare, preventing the establishment of a beachhead in our lives and in the church. 

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Shaky Faith

Listen as Pastor Rick preaches to himself.  Listen and maybe you will be challenged by the "splashover." :-)  How strong is your faith?  Do you trust God as much as you trust your pharmacist and the electric company? 

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

All These Things

Listen as Pastor Rick returns to Matthew chapter 6 to finish considering the truths of verse 33.  If I seek first the Kingdom of God, what are all the "things" that will be "added unto me?"

Monday, December 9, 2013

The Kingdom of God

What is the Kingdom of God?  What does it mean to seek it first?  And if I do seek it, what do I gain in return?  These are great questions.  Listen as Pastor Rick takes us down a path of better understanding the answers to them.

Sunday, December 8, 2013

The Mystery of Godliness

Listen as Pastor Rick shares 10 mysteries of history and then compares them to the great Mystery of Godliness.  The Gospel is powerful.  Have you considered it.  Are you living God-like?

Saturday, December 7, 2013

The Promise of Godliness

Godliness means to exercise ourselves to be God-like.  Are you living God-like?  Do you reflect His image?  To do so is to live under the blessings and promises accompanying godliness.  Listen as Pastor Rick explores these ideas with us.

Friday, December 6, 2013

Mirror Mirror of the Word

Pastor Rick shares the fascinating story of a small Italian town called Vigonella.  Will you be a mirror on a mountain?

Thursday, December 5, 2013

A Sweet Savor

How do you smell to God?  It's a question worth answering.  Listen as Pastor Rick considers this question with us.

Can You Hear Me Now? - WEWH Series

In this installment of the "Words of Earth Wisdom of Heaven" series, Pastor Rick teaches us about how to communicate with God and how to learn to hear His voice.

Wednesday, December 4, 2013

The Preeminence of Faith - A Key Message

Pastor Rick explores the preeminent doctrine of the Bible: Faith.  Have you faith in God?  Without faith it is impossible to please God.  Faith is foundational.  Listen and consider these ideas and question yourself: Do you have faith?  - P.S. Have you heard of a blobfish?

Monday, December 2, 2013

Our Message Mission & Life - Witnessing Workshops Series

Pastor Rick focuses on Acts 26:18 to declare our core mission, message, and what should be our very life.  Are you living this message?

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Addicted to Service

Pastor Rick declares what Christians should be addicted to.  Are you an addict to selfless service?

Bless the Lord (2)

Pastor Rick goes back to Psalm 103 to consider the exclamations of David's worship, and calls us to summon praise in our hearts as we consider the magnificence of God's mercy. God redeems us from destruction! Listen and worship!

Saturday, November 30, 2013

Bless the Lord (1)

Pastor Rick considers with us Psalm 104 looking at the magnificence of God to bless our souls and cause us to bless the Lord together!

Saturday, November 9, 2013

The First Words of Witnessing - Witnessing Workshops

Have you ever given much thought to the first words you will speak about faith to someone you meet?  Tonight is an exercise as a group to think about this very thing.  Not a typical sermon, this open format discussion is worthwhile if you spend the time to follow it. 

Friday, November 8, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick talks about the fascinating concepts of the Firstborn, First Fruits, and our Birthright, to discuss Christ's role in each of these areas and what it means to us.  Are you a member of the church of the First Born?

Thursday, November 7, 2013

A Clear View of Jesus - Witnessing Workshops Series

Listen as Pastor Rick shares from Max Lucado's book, "God Came Near" to remind us of the importance of possessing a clear view of Jesus. 

Monday, November 4, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick shares a famous story to teach a simple but powerful truth in this message, "Lost and Found."

Sunday, November 3, 2013

Are You in Good Hands? - Words of Earth Wisdom of Heaven Series

Listen as Pastor Rick shares another message in this intriguing series to examine a commonly known phrase in the light of God's Word.  Are you in good hands?

Saturday, November 2, 2013

Born Free

Listen as Pastor Rick begins with Acts 22:28 and elaborates on what it means to be born free in Christ.  Are you delivered from the chains of sin? Are you a citizen of Heaven?

Friday, November 1, 2013

The Three R's of Witnessing - Witnessing Workshops Series

Listen as Pastor Rick opens a new series about "witnessing" or sharing our faith.  Do you know the three "R's" of Witnessing?  Listen to learn them!  :-)

Thursday, October 31, 2013

Ambassadors for Christ

Listen to one of Pastor Rick's Key Messages, "Ambassadors for Christ."  Pastor Rick firmly believes in this concept.  Made new creatures, reconciled to God in Christ Jesus, we are called to represent the High King of Heaven.  Listen and be challenged!

Monday, September 9, 2013

No Worries - WEWH Series

Listen as Pastor Rick shares another installment in this fun and meaningful series called "Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven." "No Worries" is a popular phrase in our culture as is the Swahili phrase "Hakuna Matata."  Do these phrases have a place in a Christian's vocabulary and philosophy?  Indeed they do!  Listen as Pastor Rick ties these popular phrases to real Christian living. 


Just walk.  That is all that is required for any human to live a successful Godly life.  Simple faith and obedience are the keys to success.  Are you walking with Christ?

YOLO - Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven Series

Listen as Pastor Rick preaches another message from the Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven series.  Is YOLO a philosophy Christians should live by?

The LAW Series - Final - The 3 Laws of Jesus

In this final installment of the series about the LAW, Pastor Rick links the Old Testament Law to the teachings of Jesus.  We can quickly see how they all tie together.  (Please forgive the poor quality of our audio this week.  We had some technical difficulties.  Thanks for your patience!)

Monday, August 12, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick shares the second message of the Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven series: "NO FEAR."

The Bible says "The fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom."  But it also says "God has not given us the spirit of fear." Is this a contradiction?  Listen as Pastor Rick uses our culturally popular phrase, "No Fear" to explore this tension. 

The LAW Series: The End of the LAW

Nearly finished with our series on the LAW based on Dr. Philip Ryken's book, Written in Stone, Pastor Rick covers the "end of the Law."  He walks us through how the LAW and its mediator Moses point us to the New Covenant and its mediator, Christ our Lord.  Learn how Christ bore the weight of the penalty of the LAW upon his shoulders that we might discover grace.  

Only one message remains in the series: "The 3 Laws of Jesus."  Coming Soon!

Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven (WEWH) Series: JUST DO IT!

Pastor Rick begins a new series today called "Words of Earth - Wisdom of Heaven."  Each sermon in this series will spring from a common phrase in our culture to explore a Biblical truth.  It is our hope that when you hear these phrases in the future you will not only think of them in an earthly context, but also from a heavenly perspective.  Today's message: "Just Do It."

What is God calling you to do?  To follow Him?  To witness for Him?  To obey Him?  Just do it!

Changes Coming....

Greetings to all my wonderful followers!  I appreciate your interest in my blog.  Changes are coming.  For quite some time, I have used the blog as the engine whereby our church could share news and audio from my sermons.  However, we now have a new church website.  You can reach it by typing, .net, or .org 

It is a work in progress, but very soon all the audio will be hosted there and I will return the blog to its intended purpose of "blogging."  :-)  Thanks for following!


For some reason, when i last posted this, the audio didn't embed properly so I will try again!  Thanks for your patience!

Monday, July 29, 2013

Called to the Feast!

Listen as Pastor Rick uses last week's message as a springboard for this week's sermon and invites us to feast on the Word and be filled with His fullness: a call that was given in the past, applies in the present, and gives hope for the future!

Starving Christians

Listen as Pastor Rick examines the symptoms of starvation and prepares a diagnosis of our souls?  Are you a starving Christian?

The Truth - The LAW Series - Commandment #9

Listen as Pastor Rick picks up the LAW Series again with commandment 9 and shares with us the depths of what it means to be truthful and live in the footsteps of Christ Who is the Way, the Truth, and the Life.

Prepared for Departure

Listen as Pastor Rick shares his feelings about his imminent departure from the military and about the travels his family has been on this summer.  He then ties it all together and asks all of us if we are ready for the greatest departure of all.  Are you ready?

The Simplicity of Prayer

Listen as Pastor Rick teaches us simply and clearly the method of basic prayer.  How do you pray?  Are you in contact with God?  Does He hear you when you call?


Listen as Pastor Rick challenges us to go deeper still with the Lord in this second half of 2013.  Christ is the only answer to the challenges of our lives and culture.  Surrender to Him is still most essential above all else.

Sunday, July 21, 2013

Tsunami Stones

Pastor Rick's Dad, Rev. Rick Alexander, Sr.  shares a powerful message inspired by the March 11, 2011 Tsunami in Japan.  What truth can we learn?  Listen to find out!


Listen as Pastor Rick breaks down intercession simple enough for even our children can understand it.  Will you be an intercessor?

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Servants of Christ

Listen as Pastor Rick discusses Servanthood particularly in the local body.  Humble service is essential to corporate and personal worship.  Are you a servant of Christ?

Ministers of the New Testament

Listen as Pastor Rick calls all of us to ministry in the New Testament sense of the word.

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

More Than a Decision

Listen as Pastor Rick takes us through another concept derived from Kyle Idleman's book, "Not A Fan."  Have you gone beyond a mere "decision" for Christ?

Careful Living

Listen as Shane Gardner, a faithful layman in our church, fills in for Pastor Rick who was away.  His words on careful living are a wonderful admonishment to us all!

Sunday, May 26, 2013

The Christian & The World

Listen as Pastor Rick teaches about Christ's High Priestly Prayer in John 17.  One of the most beautiful passages in all of Scripture, Christ prayed these words for us as He faced the cross.  There is powerful truth in them.  Listen and be blessed!


Listen as Pastor Rick addresses the sacred 7th commandment and discusses the beauty of Marriage in its proper context, describing how it is to reflect our relationship with God.

Monday, April 29, 2013

What Manner of Love!

Listen as Pastor Rick shares details of his personal family history as a springboard to then describe how spectacular is the Love of God!  Listen as Pastor Rick describes how holy hearts and holy lives should be anchored in the unfathomable depths of God's Love!


Listen as Pastor Rick begins the second section of the Ten Commandments with "Honor Your Father and Mother."  Drawing from the book "Written In Stone" by Dr. Ryken, Pastor Rick shares the importance of this commandment!   


Listen to this challenging message as Pastor Rick springs from the book NOT A FAN by Kyle Idleman to ask the essential question, "Are you a follower of Jesus Christ?"  Becoming a true follower of Christ is a lot more than most people think it is. 

The Post-Resurrection Series - MARKED BY THE SON

Spring is here and all of us are spending more time in the sunshine.  Usually we can tell this because sunburns show up in the congregation!  :-)   But this caused me to wonder if the sunshine marks us so quickly when we spend time in it, can people tell when we have been in the presence of THE Son of God, Jesus Christ?  How about you?  Are you marked by the SON?


The culture at large and the church in general has greatly fallen away from the keeping of this commandment.  Listen as Pastor Rick shares the teachings of Dr. Ryken and explains what the commandment means both in the Old Testament and the New Testament, and applies how we should practice it in our world today. 


Listen as Pastor Rick explores the idea of Christ our precious Cornerstone, the Cornerstone of the Christian church which is built of living stones: you and me!

The Post Resurrection Series - ANCHORED IN HOPE

Listen as Pastor Rick shares a message of faith and hope based upon the resurrection.  It is a hope certain and sure!  This is the first message in the Post-Resurrection Series.  Listen and be encouraged!


Listen as Pastor Rick explains the significance of The Lord's Supper and the Communion celebration.  It is a beautiful ritual with rich meaning!  Remember, Recognize, and Rejoice!

Friday, March 29, 2013

The Strength of Sacrifice - Contagious Christians Series #6

Listen as Pastor Rick wraps up the teaching on Potent Christian Living from the book by Mark Mittelberg & Bill Hybels.  Sacrifice is memorable, powerful, and reaching.  Are you living sacrificially?

Thursday, March 28, 2013

THE NAME (The Law Series #5)

Listen as Pastor Rick describes the importance of holding God's precious name sacred!   There's more to it than you think!

Thursday, March 21, 2013

The Pull of Compassion - Contagious Christian Series #5

Listen as Pastor Rick challenges us to live and work with the compassion of Christ.  Are you as compassionate as you think?

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

TRUE Worship (The Law Series #4)

Listen as Pastor Rick helps us explore the importance and relevance of the second commandment.  Are you an idol?

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Contagious Christians - Lesson 4: Authenticty Attracts

Listen as Pastor Rick re-approaches this series and shares the importance of being REAL: how to avoid hypocrisy and live an authentic witness based on the book by Bill Hybels & Mark Mittelberg.


Listen as Pastor Rick candidly and simply discusses the importance of the first commandment and shares how important that commandment is today!

Saturday, March 9, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick takes us a little further down the path of becoming a Praying Church.  Will you join us?

Sunday, March 3, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick links three Biblical moments of God's presence and teaches us to pray for God's blessing in like manner. 

Trusting the Invisible

Listen as Pastor Rick shares how we can trust the Almighty Who is also personal and caring toward us.

I AM Jehovah Elohim!

Listen as Pastor Rick elaborates on the magnificent yet personal God we serve!  Wow!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

The Prayer Answerer

Listen as Pastor Rick challenges us to pray together and shares principles of public prayer before leading the congregation in corporate prayer.  It was a wonderful evening together.

Monday, February 11, 2013


Technical Issues Resolved!  Listen as Pastor Rick shares a Review of 2012 & the Vision for 2013 titled "DEEPER." Be challenged & pray for us! 

Sunday, February 10, 2013


Listen as Pastor Rick introduces us to Exodus 20 in a new way.  Did you realize the Law was predicated on a promise?  Listen, Learn, and Be Encouraged!!!

Sunday, January 27, 2013

VISION Sunday 2013 - A.M. - "Waters to Swim In"

VISION Sunday 2013!  Listen as Pastor Rick shares a challenging sermon based on Ezekiel 47 that also sets the stage for presentation of the 2013 Vision for Water of Life Fellowship.  Are you in waters deep enough to swim in?!

Sunday, January 20, 2013


BE ENCOURAGED!  Oh yes!  This one will encourage your heart!  Listen as Pastor Rick expounds upon 2 Thessalonians 2:16-17 and gives us a foundation for encouragement!  Listen carefully, because your name just might be mentioned! :-)

Broken Hearts Series - A Contrite Heart

Listen as Pastor Rick draws inspiration from the writings of John Bunyan and challenges us to have broken and contrite hearts this year.  Have you heard the voice of the Most High?

Thursday, January 10, 2013


God's perspective only gets implemented in our lives when we drop the rocks that drive us away from Him and from other people.  Are there rocks in your hands?

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

Crisis of Thrones

Listen as Pastor Rick closes 2012 with the question: "Who is on the throne of your heart?"  your answer to this question will prepare your heart for 2013.