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Thursday, March 9, 2017

The Power of Confession & the Freedom of Forgiveness

Wherever you are on the curve, I would like to invite you today to rediscover the power of confession and freedom of forgiveness.  If you are an unbeliever, would you confess your sins and be born again?  If you are a believer struggling against your own nature, would you confess your need, submit to the Lordship of Christ, and be filled with the Spirit?  If you are saved and sanctified but wrestling with broken relationships or the temptations to sin, would you confess your sins to God and man and discover forgiveness?  And, if you are harboring unforgiveness toward anyone today, would you confess it and relinquish it – let it go – so that you may once again know the freedom and power of forgiveness in your heart and life?  Would you once again walk in the way of peace?  Rediscover the power of confession and freedom of forgiveness.