Wow! March and April have been busy months! Two new families, two new babies in our church, and the possibility of a semi-permanent meeting facility on top of all the usual "Pastor things" have made for a busy schedule. However, all of the things I mentioned above involve direct answers to prayer! So I am not complaining! Rather, I am rejoicing!
You see, we have prayed for new people. New people have come.
We prayed for the safe arrival of two little babies, one of which faced a rough start. But both babies are growing healthy and strong.
We have prayed for months and months for a new church facility and things appear promising at this point.
I do not take such answers lightly. Looking back across the last 8 weeks, I am once again "stunned by grace." If you don't know what that means, I encourage you to listen to the message I preached by that same title which will be uploaded here in the near future.
Suffice it to say, however, I rejoice when I am reminded how greatly God loves us and cares for us. It is good to look back along the trail from time to time and review where we have been. Very often, we will be surprised by the perspective we gain as we see God's fingerprints upon our lives.