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Monday, April 23, 2012


What does it mean to live close to God?  Often we think of this idea as applying to someone else.  We think of it in terms of great saints and Bible characters.  We tend not to think of it as applying to ourselves. 
Yet, this is exactly what God desires and what His Word commands.  We are commanded to “Be holy,” “Live righteously,” “Walk in the Light,” and “Walk by faith.”  All of these things demand that we live close to the Lord.
When we understand this, our natural reaction is to try harder to read our Bibles and pray more, but we soon tire of this just as we do of diets and New Year resolutions.  Why?  Because we are trying to create spirituality in our own strength. 
While Bible reading and prayer are certainly elements of drawing closer to God, these exercises are only part of it.  The most important part is time: time spent in His presence; time just talking to Him; time spent thinking and meditating and learning to know His voice; because He promised if we would draw near to Him, He would draw near to us.
So the real key is not the drawing near that we do, but the drawing near He does: for it is in the secret of His presence where we may abide and in the shadow of the Almighty where we may find rest (Psalm 31:20, & 91:1).
        This week I challenge you to seek out the presence of the Lord.  It may not happen right away, but read that Bible and spend time to draw near to the Lord.  He will honor it!