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Friday, October 5, 2018

Intimacy with God


Jesus said, “Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.”  This is an utter abandonment of self to God.  Every fiber of our beings must be completely surrendered to Him.  In holiness circles we frame this theologically as begun in the new birth or salvation, anchored and empowered through the filling of the Holy Spirit in sanctification, and continued all the lifelong by walking in the spirit in perfect love.  This is simple and accurate.  But however you want to frame it, it all boils down to letting go of yourself to the control of Christ knowing He made you and cares for you.  It is a complete trusting of Him with every part of you good or bad.  Just as a husband and wife totally surrender to each other in private uninhibited unrestrained intimacy, we must surrender utterly to Him with nothing held back.  It is in this place of full surrender that real intimacy with Christ begins.