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Tuesday, October 2, 2012

A Recent Note to the FRC...

I recently sent this note to the FRC:

"Good Evening. First let me say that I am a big believer in the causes you support and the morals you hold valuable. I share many of them. However, I wanted to comment on the recent email you sent where you had a small note titled "Standards of Conduct." In it the sexual assault crisis at Lackland Air Force Base was mentioned and the implication of the article is that the military is not doing enough to protect our service members from such assault. 

As a military member for the last decade, I would like to contest that assertion. As a devout Christian serving in the Air Force, I can say with all their flaws, this is one area where the military spends huge amounts of money and time to combat the problem. It is drilled into recruits and airman from day one how there is a zero-tolerance policy for sexual misconduct. Pornography is not permitted at work (not even pin-ups in lockers for the most part). Cursing is taboo in most work-centers, and we receive frequent regular email traffic, briefings, and commander's calls where this subject is addressed. Honestly, it is hammered home so much, that I get tired of hearing it. Sexual assault coordinators are on call 24-7 and every airman is repeatedly given the information how they may access all available resources for prevention or treatment of sexual assault. I honestly don't know how the military leadership could do more than they already are from a methodology standpoint. 

The problem is deeper than policy. I think the rising tide of sexual assault and pervasive immorality is not a reflection of military culture but rather a reflection of the American Psyche. With the breakdown of morality nearly complete in our society, it is little wonder young men and women who are thrown together from all walks of life continue to represent the culture from which they come as both perpetrators and victims. They merely display a cross-section of our culture. 

The military cannot repair brokenness of this magnitude. Only Americans with strong moral fiber and character backed by the strength of a firm faith in the living God can hope to effect change while standing against this onslaught of failure. And only God can truly rescue this nation and that only if people willingly submit to His precepts. Anyway, I just wanted to set the record straight a little from the perspective of someone in the ranks. I love this nation and am deeply saddened watching its decay. It is my fervent prayer that God will have mercy on our collective national soul. God bless your ministry."

I hope you take the time to pray for those who fight for right in the culture wars of our nation.  They need it now more than ever!