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Saturday, April 28, 2012

The Burden of The Eternal

Recently I have begun to experience something I never expected as Pastor.  It's what I call the "Burden of the Eternal."  Only after becoming a Pastor - where it is my duty and calling to constantly think of things from an eternal perspective - did I realize how little I had considered eternity before.  I mean, I thought of it from time to time like anyone does, but more often than not my thoughts were consumed with my family, friends, and career responsibilities.  Now, however, I constantly think of things from an eternal viewpoint.  My priorities are beginning to alter accordingly.  Things that once mattered a lot, seem nearly irrelevant or unimportant now.  Because when the light of eternity shines on them, they are revealed to be cheap imitations of what truly matters.

Additionally, I have been startled to realize that not only was I relatively oblivious to the eternal, most other people are too, whether by choice or circumstance.  Now that my life has taken on new focus and meaning in light of the eternal, the burden and challenge for me as Pastor is to kindly but firmly call others to the same realization of their own eternality and the importance of yielding themselves to Christ.  But I have to be gentle about it.  Such life-changing perspectives can be startling and overwhelming at first.  Only when the Holy Spirit guides us can the "shock" be mitigated.  It is my prayer that God will grant me wisdom to point people Heavenward without scaring them away.  

Once your perspective is changed to the eternal, life takes on new focus and meaning.  Your priorities shift and and you open your heart to the working of Christ.  Will you welcome His presence to change your point of view?  Are you willing to shoulder the "Burden of the Eternal?"