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Friday, December 30, 2011

But It Didn't!

Immaculate conception.  That’s what theologians would later call it.  But right then it meant shame, excommunication, and possible death for a teenage girl.  If not for the obedience of a just and righteous man named Joseph, the story might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From a manger he went to a humble home soon visited by foreign dignitaries who were commissioned by a ruthless king to locate the babe for his disposal at will.  If it were not for the obedience of worshipping magi, the story might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From a weeping city, they fled to the land of Egypt where history itself might have swallowed them.  But for the obedience of a faithful father and mother, it might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From the common rude city of Nazareth to the Jerusalem temple they came with the boy Jesus for a rite of passage.  Questioned by teachers and lawyers for days, he was almost lost to his family.  But for frantic loving parents, it might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From a carpenter’s shop to the river Jordan and on into the wilderness the man Jesus faced some of the greatest temptations ever known on earth.  But for the Word of God itself, the man Jesus might have failed.  It might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

Through three years of teaching and experiencing both adulation and hate, Jesus walked on toward a fate He knew and understood but no one else seemed to grasp.  Once they tried to throw him off a cliff and more than once they tried to crown him king.  It could have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From a donkey’s back amid a cheering crowd, to an intimate supper in an upper room, then to a Garden where he sweat great drops of blood, but for the solace of Heaven, it might have ended there.  But it didn’t.

From a midnight kangaroo court, to a Roman whipping post, steadfastly onward to a cross of untold agony where legions of angels waited in vain to set him free, everyone thought it ended there.  But it didn’t.

Three days later, the Lord of Glory asserted His heavenliness over his earthiness.  His life triumphed over death.  His power triumphed over all principalities of the earth.  He restored his disciples. He reinforced his resurrection to hundreds of known witnesses.  He commissioned His followers.  He returned to Heaven to sit at the right hand of His Father, victorious over sin, death, hell, and the grave.  It might have ended there but it didn’t.

Commissioned by their Lord and Savior and filled with His Spirit of Comfort, across the nations and generations in the millennia since that first Christmas His disciples have spread the glorious message of the Gospel of Christ: good news for all mankind.  And today nearly the whole earth celebrates His birth whether they know it or not. It could end there.  But it doesn’t.

Today we continue to spread the message of His love in our community and around the world.  We do this as we await the sound of trumpets heralding the return of the Christmas Baby from so long ago who will arrive this time – not damp with afterbirth in the stench of a stable – but on a cloud of Glory to catch us - His bride - away!  It might end there.  But it won’t.
On and on for all eternity we will rejoice in His presence and fellowship with all who have gone on before us and the run the race with patience unto the receiving of the prize.  This is why we celebrate all we do at Christmastime!  Thank you for your participation and praise today.  It is my prayer as Pastor that you will continue your rejoicing throughout this season.