I have been feeling it on
my heart for several months that it was time to do a new series – a time where
we spend several weeks concentrating on a particular section of Scripture. But when you look at doing something like
that, there are so many different paths to go down, where do you begin. So I just kept my heart open and have been
thinking about it and praying about it for a long time. Then, several weeks ago, I heard a message by
Ravi Zacharias titled, “Living a Life Used by God” that was really good. I really appreciated his words and that got
me to thinking about and pondering on this man called Nehemiah. A few weeks ago, we started studying about
Nehemiah in our Godly Men Bible Study using notes from © 2014 – Verse By Verse Ministry International (www.versebyverseministry.org) and today we are going to begin focusing on this
section of Scripture to pull out some lessons from this fascinating story using
information I have also derived from there.