Connected with the last two sermons, Pastor Rick shares how Christ is our strength, inviting us to stop struggling; stop escaping. Instead, surrender, relax, let go and let Him display His strength in the midst of your weakness. Let Him have control of you and your life and your circumstances and discover what Paul discovered when Christ’s rebar strengthens your concrete.
Pastor Rick also "translated" 2 Corinthians 12:7-10 into his own words to help us understand it. Here is his elaboration:
Christ said, “My graciousness of manner and actions, my benefit, favor, joy, liberality, and pleasure is enough for you. You don’t need anything else. I will suffice. Because, my miraculous wonderful mighty violent power is made complete and is accomplished in your feebleness of mind and body amid any of your maladies, frailties, diseases or infirmities, or sicknesses.” Because Christ said this, with great pleasure I would rather boast about and rejoice in my weakness, frailty, feeble mind and body, that the miraculous mighty power and ability of Christ will tent upon me and abide upon me and rest upon me like the ancient Shekinah glory of God rested upon the tabernacle. Instead of relying upon my own strength, I will rest in His.”
Are we relying on our own strength or resting in His? Is Christ your rebar?