Last week, Pastor Rick shared with
you the first message of this series, where we talked about a donkey and Jesus
the Messiah. We discovered that the
donkey itself was a prophecy fulfilled and that this humble animal heralded THE
Messiah. We learned that the story of
the donkey mattered because it underscored the accuracy of the Scriptures as
trustworthy. It emphasized that Jesus
the Christ was fully cognizant of His own identity as both God and man and
lived according to the Messiah paradigm.
It demonstrated that Jesus willingly purposefully approached Jerusalem
to fulfill his destiny: not of an earthly throne but a cross. And, finally, it highlighted the fact that
having fulfilled hundreds of prophecies and promises to come the first time,
Jesus’ promise to come again is rich and full and can be relied upon. He kept His promise to come the first
time. We can be sure He will keep His
promise to come the second time.
The song shared today was performed by Keith & Kristyn Getty titled "Gethsemane Hymn" written by Stuart Townend and Keith Getty. The copyright is 2008 ThankYou Music. Its CCLI License # is 5567746. We listened to it via YouTube here: