My rating: 5 of 5 stars
This is a book I will always be glad I have read. Not only was the content interesting, but I was able to identify with the experiences of the author in a small way, and the story began to change my perceptions of the world in which I live and alter my understanding of one of the largest people groups and religions of history.
Framed in ten parts, Nabeel describes an autobiographical journey from a life and perspective steeped in Islam to a core-shaking foundational revolution in his understanding and life when confronted with the truths of historical Christianity and a call to personal faith in the risen Lord.
The journey he walks is heart-wrenching as he questions every fundamental tenet of his faith and finds it failing under scrutiny. Inexorably he is driven to the inevitable conclusion that Islam remains untenable as the means by which he may know and please the one true God. Ultimately he surrenders everything he is to everything God demands and places his faith in Jesus Christ as his Lord and Savior.
This decision costs him immensely as reflected in the dedication of his book:
“This book is dedicated to my parents. Ammi and Abba, your undying love for me even when you feel I have sinned against you is second only to God’s love for His children. I pray you will one day realize His love is truly unconditional, that He has offered forgiveness to us all. On that day, I pray that you would accept His redemption, so we might be a family once again. I love you with all my heart.”
The choice to follow Christ broke every cultural and religious tie in which Nabeel was steeped. It violated his heritage, his history, his family, and his faith. Yet, like the disciples of the New Testament, Nabeel takes up his cross and follows Jesus though it costs everything. Such a powerful testimony!
However, make no mistake, more is happening here than merely the cathartic tale of a young Muslim man’s journey from faith to faith. Through the eyes of Nabeel we begin to comprehend the sincerity of mind and heart which can be so committed to a faith like Islam. We see the desperation with which Nabeel wishes to please God and how that desire results from every element of his identity being inculcated with the doctrines, tenets, and practices of Islam from birth. For Muslims this total immersion and indoctrination in a culture totally revolving around the teachings of Islam seems inescapable.
As a result, one begins to find compassion for a group of people that aspire to great faith and instead are obdurately bound as slaves to a harsh and oppressive religion that demands total obedience without question. One cannot help but admire the dedication of Nabeel’s parents to raise him correctly in the way they understood their faith. Yet, one cannot avoid resonating with the struggles Nabeel endures as everything he knows and trusts is brought into question. One also begins to wonder if there is a genuine conversation that should be initiated between Christian and Muslim communities to expose the cracks in the façade of Islam and highlight these in the light of the documented truths of the Gospel, providing a path to freedom.
I was profoundly moved by Nabeel’s personal struggle which I understood personally in a small way. At one time, I too questioned everything I believed; yet, I found the truths of Christianity too overwhelming to resist in their historicity, logic, and prospect. Not only so, but as I read this book, I also found the awakening of a new emotion in my heart toward Muslims.
Since 9/11, I have - along with many Americans - viewed Muslims with suspicion, frustration, and mistrust. Now I begin to view them with pity and compassion. Surely I should try in my own way to invite them to consider the claims of Christ wherever I have opportunity. In this way, Nabeel’s book will likely revolutionize my perspective and approach to Muslims for the rest of my life.
After reading this book, I hope I can be as genuine and committed in my faith as Nabeel has been. I also hope that I may walk more closely with God with deeper love of His children than ever before – including the Muslims for which Christ also died.
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