At Water of Life Fellowship, we believe in
fathers! Your worth is inestimable. Statistically, children who are raised with
absent fathers experience far greater potential for crisis and failure than
children whose fathers actively intentionally consistently invest in their
lives! This only begins to reflect the
importance of fathers like you who embrace the role they have been uniquely
designed to fill.
Sadly, our culture has emasculated men and
diminished their God-given roles and somehow perpetuated the myth that women
can do everything men do as well as they do without exception. Foolishly, this overlooks the evident fact
that men and women are specifically designed on purpose to do things uniquely
and specifically suited to their abilities (and I am not talking about who does
the dishes here). These designed
purposes can in one form or fashion
be accomplished by each other under duress or necessity; but, the machine
operates most efficiently when each person fulfills their designed purpose and
role. This is especially true in
parenthood. Fathers and mothers can
exchange responsibilities and task assignments.
However, when it comes down to it, dad can never replace mom and vice
versa. The most balanced homes and
families have moms and dads who clearly understand that each of them is
essential to the equation. Both of them
have an equal essentiality though fulfilling very different roles.
Dads, this underscores the importance of being
present to fill your role as God has designed you. You bring a unique perspective and set of
skills to the table. Your children will
reflect your impact on them for the rest of their mortal lives. Your influence is far greater than you
possibly imagine. Thus you are duty and
honor bound to live rightly and truly as a man of integrity.
History is full of great men who lived as excellent
fathers. But, I have learned recently a
new perspective that we should look most to the Heavenly Father to understand
how we ought to live and be.
“We start with the word Father as describing a human relationship which we want to use to
better understand God and how we should relate to him. This is backwards. In Christian thought, the word Father first applies to the first person
of the Holy Trinity and only in an analogical way to human fatherhood; Father speaks of the divine reality that
helps us know what the human relation should be (- Dennis Kinlaw).” In other words, we must look to God and his
relationship with Jesus for the perfect example of what a father ought to
When we look at this relationship we find a Father
with an intense love and loyalty to his Son – a father who empowers and
protects, guides and directs, chastens and loves, delights and honors, serves
and sends his Son when and where it matters most: a Father who always has the
big picture in view. We must strive to
do the same with our children. You see -
by granting you the gift of children – God has entrusted you with souls that
have an eternal destiny. This is the big
picture and we are called to never forget it.
Please recognize that you are called to be the spiritual warrior of purity,
integrity, courage, strength, humility, and servanthood guiding and protecting
your children as they embark upon their eternal pathway. This is a most high calling. We count it a
privilege to share your journey as you answer it and fulfill the role God
designed you to play! Water of Life
Fellowship Salutes You! May God’s
richest blessings rest upon you today and always. Happy Father’s Day!