Only ONE service tomorrow beginning at 11:00 in Kiln Creek. Please see below for details!
Good Morning All! Tomorrow begins our new temporary schedule to which we will hold until our time in Kiln Creek is done. We only have 8 weeks left and we are out of there whether we are ready or not. :-D Take a look at the transition update below.
Starting tomorrow (and continuing until the end of April) we will only be having one service each Sunday. The service will begin at 11:00 and will be followed by a fellowship luncheon.
One of the purposes for this is to permit our families to do some outreach ministry of their own. We have several "unchurched" or "no-longer churched" individuals (with varying backgrounds) who are interested in attending private small Bible Studies. Several of us are going to try to facilitate this interest in the next 8 weeks while we remain in Kiln Creek. This outreach is a learning experience for all of us. But it is also an eternity moment for these souls. Please pray for God's wisdom and unction upon us as we minister to these lives.
So here's the deal: negotiations are continuing with the Landlords of the new property we hope to transition to. We have had a minor setback in that the owners have nearly reached their limit moving downward in dollars and we are close to our limit (if not there already) moving upward. The Board is taking a hard look at the numbers to ensure we make the right decision. Please pray for wisdom and guidance in this area. All that said, the meeting with the city went well this week and we are on track to get approvals there if we can get the facility for an affordable price. Your continued prayers are appreciated.