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Monday, May 12, 2014

Hard Things Series - How Will Jesus Find You?

Listen as Pastor Rick starts a new series talking about serious spiritual matters.  How will Jesus find you when He returns?  Do you look ahead to death or the Second Coming with dread or anticipation?  Are you ready for the trumpet?

Saturday, May 10, 2014

The King is Coming

Listen as Pastor Rick encourages us to look unto Jesus as the King He is - not the King we want him to be.  Are we looking to his second return with anticipation?  Is He enthroned in our hearts?  

Friday, May 9, 2014

You Are What You Eat

Listen as Pastor Rick challenges us to consider our spiritual diets.  If you are what you eat, what are you spiritually? 

Wednesday, May 7, 2014

The Gospel of John - The Witness of Surrender

Listen as Pastor Rick talks about living surrendered. What does the "Best Man" of the bridegroom have to do with it?  Listen and see.   Is your life surrendered to the will of God?

Saturday, May 3, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - God SO Loved

Listen as Pastor Rick shares perspective on the most famous verse in Scripture: John 3:16. Word by word Pastor Rick draws out the beauty of this verse.  Do you realize how MUCH God loves you?  No matter your sin, God loves you and gave His only begotten son for you.  Will you surrender to Him?

The Gospel of John Series - SIN

Listen as Pastor Rick unburdens his heart and challenges us to be confronted with truth in this dramatic assessment of the thing called sin.  Have you found the solution to sin?

Gospel of John Series - Lifted Up

Listen as Pastor Rick describes the cure for sin.  Have you looked upon Christ for salvation and life?

Physics & Faith Series - Friction

Listen as Pastor Rick continues the series, "Physics & Faith" with this message about friction.  Is friction managed correctly both positively and negatively in your life?

The Gospel of John Series - Cleanse Your Temple

Listen as Pastor Rick describes the introduction of the Messiah to the World with an act of holiness rather than power, and then applies it to our hearts by calling on us to cleanse the temples of our hearts.

Saturday, March 1, 2014

SERVICE TIME CHANGE - And other things...

Only ONE service tomorrow beginning at 11:00 in Kiln Creek.  Please see below for details!

Good Morning All!  Tomorrow begins our new temporary schedule to which we will hold until our time in Kiln Creek is done.  We only have 8 weeks left and we are out of there whether we are ready or not.  :-D Take a look at the transition update below.

Starting tomorrow (and continuing until the end of April) we will only be having one service each Sunday.  The service will begin at 11:00 and will be followed by a fellowship luncheon.

One of the purposes for this is to permit our families to do some outreach ministry of their own.  We have several "unchurched" or "no-longer churched" individuals (with varying backgrounds) who are interested in attending private small Bible Studies.  Several of us are going to try to facilitate this interest in the next 8 weeks while we remain in Kiln Creek.  This outreach is a learning experience for all of us.  But it is also an eternity moment for these souls.  Please pray for God's wisdom and unction upon us as we minister to these lives.

So here's the deal: negotiations are continuing with the Landlords of the new property we hope to transition to.  We have had a minor setback in that the owners have nearly reached their limit moving downward in dollars and we are close to our limit (if not there already) moving upward.  The Board is taking a hard look at the numbers to ensure we make the right decision.  Please pray for wisdom and guidance in this area.  All that said, the meeting with the city went well this week and we are on track to get approvals there if we can get the facility for an affordable price.  Your continued prayers are appreciated.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Physics & Faith Series - GRAVITY

Listen as Pastor Rick examines one of the four fundamental forces of the universe and applies the concepts of it to our spiritual lives.  Is Christ your center of gravity?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

2014 Vision - Disturbance - Slides

2014 Vision - Disturbance

Listen as Pastor Rick quickly reviews the past few years and then passionately shares the Vision for Water of Life Fellowship in 2014.  Are you ready for a disturbance in your heart?  Are you ready to make a splash in 2014?

The Gospel of John Series - A MIRACLE of CHOICES

Listen as Pastor Rick explores some wonderful ideas from the 1st Miracle Jesus ever performed as recorded by the Apostle John.  There is lots to learn here and maybe some things you've never thought of.  Is the water of your obedience being transformed into the wine of His glory?

Miracle at Cana of Galilee

Enlarge this image to see my exploration of John Chapter 2 verses 1-11. - Pastor Rick


Listen as Pastor Rick shares a sermon full of object lessons.  Is Christ the life in you?  Are you letting anything slip in your spiritual life?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 3 - BELIEVERS

Listen as Pastor Rick concludes chapter 1 of the Gospel of John by introducing us to the next actors on stage, the first followers of Christ who were witnesses to his identity. Go beyond the familiarity to discover the reality of their testimony.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Listen as Pastor Rick explores all the bubbles we live in as American Christians.  Listen as he shares how to live by faith in such a way that when life's bubbles burst we are not shaken off our foundation in Christ.  Faith will sustain us in the midst of the darkest times and greatest uncertainties.  Be encouraged! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 2 - The Herald of Christ

Listen as Pastor Rick introduces the first actor on the stage of John's Gospel who testifies to us who Jesus is that we might believe on His name.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 1 - In the Beginning Was the Word

In the first sermon of the year, Pastor Rick begins an exploration of the Gospel of John based on the Exposition of the Gospel by Charles Erdman.  In the beginning of the year, there is nothing better than to begin with the Word. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Giving Series - 1 - To Whom Do You Belong?

Listen as Pastor Rick begins a long-promised series on giving.  We will work on this one throughout the year and we hope it will bless you and your family.  In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Rick explores the fundamental principle that should underlay all others when it comes to financial and life principles.  To whom do you belong?

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know, it is a little late.  But, Happy New Year to All!  :-)  Sermons for December will be uploaded when available.  Our services were sometimes re-scheduled due to the Holidays, so there will only be a few.  

I am glad you are still with us for the journey.  I hope this year you will see new and wonderful things with us as we journey along.  Stay tuned!