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Friday, May 25, 2012

WLF Walks for Life!

Thanks to all of you for your support of the Walk for Life over the past several weeks.  A special thanks to Lisa for her help organizing our group.  Thanks to those of you who gave funds to support it.  Thanks to all of you who prayed.  We nearly doubled our original goal of $250.00 to $500.00. 
Overall, the walk was a great success for CARENET.  The money was being raised for a new ultrasound machine that costs about $45,000.00.  Between the two walk locations (in Newport News & Williamsburg, and the online donations, over $37,000.00 was raised toward the goal. This is a big step in the right direction for them.
As you know an ultrasound like this greatly reduces the rate of infant mortality in the context of what they do.  I am proud of you all for contributing to our community this way.  You have helped save lives. 
I also encourage you all to continue building these community relationships.  Rippling our community for God is essential and touching lives with our care and His love is part of our mission.  Do not be weary in well-doing.  Be strong.  You will reap if you faint not!  (Galatians 6:9)