It's Christmas time here in Hampton Roads and we are LOVING the 65-70 degree weather! It's not often you have a Christmas this warm! We are still doing all the seasonal things though: singing "winter wonderland," going Christmas caroling, wrapping presents, and building Christmas boxes. That's what made me think about this thought today.
As we made our first attempts this year at many things as a church, it feels unusual - out of the comfort zone. Are we truly doing any good or just going through the motions? We had our first annual Christmas program, sang Christmas carols at two assisted living facilities, and built a Christmas box for a small struggling family. It doesn't seem like much against the backdrop of a community so full of lost and hurting people.
But God reminded me of something today. We are "seed flingers." You remember the parable: "a sower went forth to sow...." When Jesus taught His disciples, he said the seed was the Word of God and proclaimed that it would fall on all types of soil. He never said the sower should stop flinging seed just because some of it would be gobbled up or wasted. All He did was prepare us for the responses to the seed. He also said that some seed WOULD fall on good soil and bring forth a great harvest.
In the context of this and other Scriptures, I am reminded that we are to be "Seed Flingers" and "Harvest Reapers." Don't fret that what we are doing is not enough or that it is not easy or that it is uncomfortable. Rather focus on spreading the magnificent message of the Gospel of Jesus Christ in every venue available. Let us demonstrate His love toward others even when they are yet sinners without the knowledge of Christ. Let us fling the seeds of His Word everywhere and trust Him to bring the harvest! Merry Christmas!