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Sunday, July 23, 2017

A Moment of Reflection...

Sometimes I like to review the sermon titles from a period of time to see what God is teaching us at the “macro” level.  I like to look at the trajectory of teaching in parallel with the path of my life to see what God has been teaching me and sometimes even to understand what He might be preparing me for next.  If you look over some of these primary sermon titles so far this year, what parallels do you see in your spiritual journey?  What is God teaching you?  For what is God preparing you?

Let Jesus Be Jesus to You.
Are You Trusting the Master?
Lessons from Lazarus
The Way of the Cross
The Kingdom Coming
Prepared to Serve
Preparing to Rebuild
Answering the Call – Building the Wall
Facing Opposition
Resolving Internal Conflict
Finding Rest
The Call to Godly Fatherhood
God Loves You
Rebuilding Walls of Worship and the Word
Rebuilding Walls of Repentance and Relationship
Rebuilding the Wall of Covenant

Interesting Huh?

Have you missed an important one?  Please feel free to catch up here on the Blog!

Saturday, July 22, 2017

Nehemiah Series - Rebuilding the Wall of Covenant - Sermon 8 (Final Sermon)

In this final message of the Nehemiah series, Pastor Rick urges us all to follow through the steps of revival.  Return to humble worship of God.  Rebuild devotion to His Word as the authority for your life.  Repent of your sins before God.  Receive the gift of salvation by grace.  Rebuild that precious relationship with God for which we were originally created.  But don’t stop there.  Enter into the new covenant: fully surrendered to God, completely filled with the Holy Spirit, walking in holy righteous love toward Him and toward our fellow man.  In so doing, the rebuilding is complete and we are positioned to do the work of the Kingdom.

Friday, July 21, 2017

Nehemiah Series - Rebuilding the Walls of Repentance & Relationship - Sermon 7

As you bow your heart in repentance and worship before Him in full submission to the Truth, now open your hands and your heart to receive the gift of salvation!  Let go of the darkness and be filled with His light!  Be filled with His eternal love and receive everlasting life!  Now enter into relationship with the Architect of the Universe, the Designer of Humanity, the Christ of the Cross, The Gentle Spirit of Holiness, the Lover of our Souls.  Walk in relationship with Him – in covenant with Him – in love with Him!

Ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, this is what it means to rebuild the spiritual walls of worship and the word; of repentance and relationship.  This is revival.  This is restoration.  This is rebuilding what has been torn down.  Will you rebuild these walls in your hearts?  Will you rebuild these walls in your marriages?  Will you rebuild these walls in your homes?  Will you rebuild these walls in your community?