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Tuesday, March 31, 2015

Footprints to Follow Series - Sermon 3 - Christian Anger


Are Christians permitted to be angry?  Listen as Pastor Rick attempts to address this question in the next installment of the Footprints to Follow Series from the book of Ephesians.  Excerpt: "Anger is dangerous.  In it lies great potential for error, harm, and sin.  Therefore, like all our other emotions and actions, our anger must be surrendered to Christ and placed under His guidance and control."

Thursday, March 19, 2015

The Everlasting Arms

Listen as Pastor Rick delivers an encouraging sermon that was blessed to his heart in prayer.  Are you resting in the Everlasting Arms?

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Footprints to Follow Series - Sermon 2 - "Truth"

Do you walk in truth every day?  Do you walk in truth with your parents, your siblings, your spouse, your employer, and your fellow believers in Christ?  Truth is at the very core of Godliness.  It is the first footprint to follow.  Listen as Pastor Rick teaches us about this absolutely essential part of the Christian life. 

Monday, March 9, 2015

FootPrints to Follow Series - Sermon 1 - "Footprints to Follow"

Listen as Pastor Rick begins a new series about what it means to be a Christian.  Utilizing Paul's letter to the Ephesian Church as the guide, beginning in chapter four, Pastor Rick teaches about what it really looks like to be a Christian. 

Sermons Are Back!

Hey everybody!  I am getting back into the swing of things and there will be two new sermons posted here for your enjoyment and edification!  It's good to be back! :-)