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Monday, February 10, 2014

Physics & Faith Series - GRAVITY

Listen as Pastor Rick examines one of the four fundamental forces of the universe and applies the concepts of it to our spiritual lives.  Is Christ your center of gravity?

Sunday, February 9, 2014

2014 Vision - Disturbance - Slides

2014 Vision - Disturbance

Listen as Pastor Rick quickly reviews the past few years and then passionately shares the Vision for Water of Life Fellowship in 2014.  Are you ready for a disturbance in your heart?  Are you ready to make a splash in 2014?

The Gospel of John Series - A MIRACLE of CHOICES

Listen as Pastor Rick explores some wonderful ideas from the 1st Miracle Jesus ever performed as recorded by the Apostle John.  There is lots to learn here and maybe some things you've never thought of.  Is the water of your obedience being transformed into the wine of His glory?

Miracle at Cana of Galilee

Enlarge this image to see my exploration of John Chapter 2 verses 1-11. - Pastor Rick


Listen as Pastor Rick shares a sermon full of object lessons.  Is Christ the life in you?  Are you letting anything slip in your spiritual life?

Saturday, February 8, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 3 - BELIEVERS

Listen as Pastor Rick concludes chapter 1 of the Gospel of John by introducing us to the next actors on stage, the first followers of Christ who were witnesses to his identity. Go beyond the familiarity to discover the reality of their testimony.

Friday, February 7, 2014


Listen as Pastor Rick explores all the bubbles we live in as American Christians.  Listen as he shares how to live by faith in such a way that when life's bubbles burst we are not shaken off our foundation in Christ.  Faith will sustain us in the midst of the darkest times and greatest uncertainties.  Be encouraged! 

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 2 - The Herald of Christ

Listen as Pastor Rick introduces the first actor on the stage of John's Gospel who testifies to us who Jesus is that we might believe on His name.

Monday, February 3, 2014

The Gospel of John Series - Episode 1 - In the Beginning Was the Word

In the first sermon of the year, Pastor Rick begins an exploration of the Gospel of John based on the Exposition of the Gospel by Charles Erdman.  In the beginning of the year, there is nothing better than to begin with the Word. 

Saturday, February 1, 2014

The Giving Series - 1 - To Whom Do You Belong?

Listen as Pastor Rick begins a long-promised series on giving.  We will work on this one throughout the year and we hope it will bless you and your family.  In this first sermon of the series, Pastor Rick explores the fundamental principle that should underlay all others when it comes to financial and life principles.  To whom do you belong?

Happy New Year!

Yes, I know, it is a little late.  But, Happy New Year to All!  :-)  Sermons for December will be uploaded when available.  Our services were sometimes re-scheduled due to the Holidays, so there will only be a few.  

I am glad you are still with us for the journey.  I hope this year you will see new and wonderful things with us as we journey along.  Stay tuned!