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Monday, August 20, 2012


Wow, this was one of those humbling moments...I reached the middle of this sermon and realized not all my notes were present.  I had to wing it and come to a more rapid conclusion than originally planned.  I hope the message retains some coherence!  As my Dad always says, "That'll keep you humble!"  :-)

Sunday, August 12, 2012

A Real Relationship

Listen as Pastor Rick adds an unexpected installment to the "Reality" series as he talks about the importance of a genuine relationship with Christ.  Is it a religion, a relationship, or both?  Listen to find out!

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Ringing the Bell - By Harmon Schmelzenbach

One of the greatest sermons ever!  If you aren't inspired, call so we can pray together!!!!

A Regular Frog-Choker

A Little Slideshow of the Frog Choker we had here this afternoon! The forecast called for scattered thunderstorms, not two-hour gully-washers! Tickets to the ark anyone?

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Shepherding a Child's Heart 2 - Shaping and Orienting

Listen as Pastor Rick shares the second message in the series "Shepherding a Child's Heart" based on the book by Tedd Tripp.  In the context of the "Reality" series of the past several weeks, Pastor Rick gives us another installment to shape our perspective on Biblical child-rearing - a timely message for us all.

The Reality of Eternity

Listen as Pastor Rick Concludes the "Reality" series with this "apology" on the "Reality of Eternity" -  a sobering yet essential message to impact our eternal perspective.